How to reflect digital transformations of the society and the lasting pandemic: giving a look the latest Forum

  • Mamychev A.Yu.

    А. Yu. Mamychev. Lomonosov Moscow State University Moscow. Russia

  • Petruk G.V.

    G. V. Petruk. Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service. Vladivostok. Russia


This article provides an understanding of the interaction of digital and pandemic trends in modern public organizations. The authors emphasize that the "Phenomenon 2020" significantly influenced the further development of science, society and the economy, and also showed that all the activities of natural (ecology), biological (viruses), technological (digital systems), social (mental structures, institutions) characters participate in the evolution ofsocio-economic, political, legal and other spheres of society, that they "equally" determine our strategies and practices, play a leading role in the formation of social relations and social orders, despite their diversity and contradictory nature. Conclusions are drawn that, despite the grandiosity of the new digital reality of society, in the context of a pandemic, everything rests on material substrates, social and spiritual foundations.
Keywords: digital transformation, "Phenomenon 2020", viral pandemic, society, political and
legal reality.